Please enter the name, disease, etc.
Oh, Chang Wook
- Department
- Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedics Surgery
- Specialty
- Pediatric Orthopedic
- Department
Kim, Byungkil
- Department
- Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Specialty
- Snoring, sleep apnea, stuffy nose, sinusitis (paranasal sinusitis), rhinitis, tonsil disease, nasal plastic surgery, brain basal tumors
- Department
Lee, Kyuyup
- Department
- Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Specialty
- ear disease, hearing loss, otitis media, cochlear implantation, dizziness
- Department
Park, Junhyun
- Department
- Breast Surgery, Thyroid Endocrine Surgery
- Specialty
benign breast disease (diagnosis, surgery and mammotome treatment)
Malignant disease of the breast (diagnosis)
benign thyroid, malignant disease (diagnosis, procedure, etc.)
benign breast disease (diagnosis, surgery and mammotome treatment)
- Department
Keum, Heejung
- Department
- Breast Surgery, Thyroid Endocrine Surgery
- Specialty
benign breast disease (diagnosis, surgery and mammotome treatment)
Malignant disease of the breast (diagnosis)
benign thyroid, malignant disease (diagnosis, procedure, etc.)
benign breast disease (diagnosis, surgery and mammotome treatment)
- Department
Kang, Byeongju
- Department
- Breast Surgery, Breast Cancer Center
- Specialty
benign breast disease (diagnosis, surgery and mammotome treatment)
Malignant disease of the breast (diagnosis)
benign breast disease (diagnosis, surgery and mammotome treatment)
- Department
Yang, Jaeyeong
- Department
- Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Specialty
- Surgical treatment of gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, peptic ulcer, high obesity and metabolic diseases
- Department
Son, Younmi
- Department
- Radiology
- Specialty
- Breast and thyroid imaging, chest imaging
- Department
Hong, Jihoon
- Department
- Radiology
- Specialty
- interventional radiology
- Department
Kim, Sangbum
- Department
- Ophthalmology
- Specialty
- Corneal and anterior eye disease, cataract, conical keratosis disease
- Department