Medical Treatment Form
Rare Disease Clinic
Introduction of department
It is a specialized clinic that provides medical services to alleviate the economic and mental burden of patients and their families and improve their quality of life by enabling early diagnosis and treatment of rare and intractable diseases in non-metropolitan areas.--
Kang, Minseong
- Department
- Rare Disease Clinic
- Specialty
- Peripheral and neuromuscular diseases, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS);Lou Gehrig disease, muscular diseases, hereditary neuromuscular diseases, myelitis
- Department
Kwon, Soonhak
- Department
- Pediatric Neurology, Rare Disease Clinic
- Specialty
- Pediatric neurology (delayed development, epilepsy and other convulsive diseases, headaches, rare diseases, etc.)
- Department
Choe, Byung-ho
- Department
- Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Pediatirc Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic, Rare Disease Clinic
- Specialty
- Gastrointestinal and liver disease, Therapeutic endoscopy
- Department
Mun, Jung eun
- Department
- , Pediatric Endocrinology, Rare Disease Clinic
- Specialty
- Pediatric endocrine disease
- Department
Jung, Taedu
- Department
- Rehabilitation Medicine, Pediatric Developmental Rehabilitation Center, Rare Disease Clinic
- Specialty
- Brain rehabilitation, Cardiac rehabilitation, Spinal disease, Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Rehabilitation for low back pain
- Department
Han, Seungwoo
- Department
- Rheumatology, Rare Disease Clinic
- Specialty
- Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet's disease, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis/polymyositis, fibromyalgia syndrome, gout, etc.
- Department